Our Products
What we provide
100% Water Soluble Fertillizers
- 100 % water soluble. Effective use through Foliar and Fertigation application Grades suitable for Horticulture (Viticulture), Vegetables, Floriculture and field crops.
- Virtually free of chloride, sodium and other detrimental elements for plants
- Efficiently absorbed by plants.
- Acidic nature, which increases the efficiency of nutrient uptake and reduces blockage of irrigation pipes and drippers
- Low salt index, hence easy and quick absorption through leaves and causes only a low osmotic effect.
- 100% Water Soluble Complex Fertilizer Grades – FERTOGEN (Imported)
- 100% Water Soluble Mixture Fertilizer – FERTOGEN (Self Manufactured Customized grades)
Secondary Product Range
- Secondary plant nutrients (Ca, Mg, S & Si) are amongst the essential plant nutrient program & plays an important role as soil conditioners.
- These nutrients are required by plants in moderate amounts. They are called secondary because they are unknowingly supplied through fertilizers and other amendments.
- They helps to improve soil pH, EC, Physical condition of soil (structure, porosity & texture etc).
- Secondary nutrients helps to restore & maintain soil fertility & productivity of the soil. These nutrients also helps to overcome deficiencies in plants.
- Proper application of these fertilizers helps to gain optimum yields with high quality produce.
- They also helps to built plant’s resistance against biotic & abiotic stress.
Micronutrient Fertilizers
- Micronutrients are essential nutrients required in small quantity for balance nutrition of all types of crops and better yield.
- In general, all the six micronutrients mainly act either as a component of the enzymes or as an activator of the enzymes involved both in photosynthesis as well as in respiration. During these two processes, deficiency of any one Micronutrient, actually disturbs the ongoing reaction and hence that particular reaction which gets inhibited becomes bottle neck thereby causing reduction in the quality and quantity of final produce of photosynthesis and its by-products.
- Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizers:
- Partially Chelated (Multi-micronutrient Fertilizer)
- Non-Chelated:
Biological Fertilizers
- Biofertilizers are microorganisms used to enrich soil by making nutrients available to plants. They are not harmful to soil or plants like other chemical fertilizers. There are many types of biofertilizers each type take care to mount Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and micronutrients in soil. They are environmental friendly.
- Use of biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Several microorganisms and their association with crop plants are being exploited in the production of biofertilizers.
- Bio-fertilizers can be expected to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The microorganisms in bio-fertilizers restore the soil’s natural nutrient cycle and build soil organic matter. Using bio-fertilizers, healthy plants can be grown, while enhancing the sustainability and the health of the soil.
Organic Fertilizers
- Organic Fertilizers:
- Plant Growth Promoter:
- Alproze (Crop Growth Supporter)
- Alprozyme (Organic Soil grade – Plant promoting substances)
- Amirich (Free L-Amino Acids Based Product)
- Humikot FG (Humic Acid Based Crop Growth promoter) – 65% humic
- Humizol (Humic Acid Based Crop Growth promoter) – 12% humic
- Humidon (Plant growth promoter)
- Humiguard (Humic Acid Based Crop Growth promoter) -5% Humic
- Biostaa-F (Plant growth promoter)
Other Speciality Products
- Speciality products have been developed by our research & development team to meet the farmers demand & nutritional requirement of various crops.
- This different formulations are applied to plant & or soils so as to improve physiological process efficiently.
- They helps to improve soil pH, EC, Physical condition of soil (structure, porosity & texture etc).
- This products helps to overcome the nutrient deficiencies effectively of various crops & enhances the vigour, yield & quality of crops.
- Proper application of these fertilizers helps to gain optimum yields with high quality produce.
Note: For any crop, nutrition program may vary due to changing climatic conditions & soil type. We aim to provide proper nutritional guidelines to maximize returns upon fertilizer applications, hence farmers are requested to feel free to contact us.